4+ Hours Visit Itinerary


Giving yourself over four hours to experience The Butchart Gardens will allow you to see the sights, enjoy dining and perhaps stop in at the Seed and Gift Store to pick up a keepsake or one-of-a-kind gift.

Here is a route that will help you get the most out of your visit this season.

Sunken Garden

When you first arrive, you will pass through Waterwheel Square on your way to the iconic Sunken Garden. Stop and take in the view at the lookout before descending into the garden oasis, surrounding yourself with layers upon layers of garden beds, trees and shrubs.

Points of Interest in the Sunken Garden
  • The Mound
  • Sunken Garden Lake
Ross Fountain

As you leave the Sunken Garden, the path naturally leads you to an area overlooking the Ross Fountain. The fountain was installed in 1964 by Robert Ian Ross, Jennie and Robert's grandson, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of The Butchart Gardens.

Rose Garden

From June through August, treat your senses to the stunning Rose Garden in full bloom. This garden offers spaces to "stop and smell the roses" and the Rose Arch offers the ideal backdrop for pictures.

Japanese Garden

After the Rose Garden, you will find yourself surrounded by lush greenery in the tranquil Japanese Garden. With a West Coast influence, this peaceful space features Japanese landscaping techniques, an abundance of trickling streams and is your entryway to Butchart Cove.

Star Pond

After the Japanese Garden, you will discover the splendid Star Pond—originally designed for Mr. Butchart's collection of ornamental ducks, this twelve-point pond, surrounded by colourful annuals (spring/summer/autumn), has a charming frog fountain rising from its centre.

Italian Garden

Beyond the pond, stands the Italian Garden bounded by two arched entrances. This garden, originally the Butchart's tennis court, has a bronze statue of Mercury and an intricate cross-shaped pond. This impressive garden was commissioned from Samuel MacLure, a prominent Canadian architect.

Seed & Gift Store

The Seed and Gift store started as a mail order seed catalogue in 1920 when Jennie Butchart began packaging seeds to satisfy requests from visitors worldwide. Today, you will find hand-packaged seeds to one-of-a-kind gifts made by local artisans, our Seed & Gift Store offers something for everyone. We have warm, knowledgeable staff on hand to serve you. Plus, you can buy in store and ship later.

Mediterranean Garden

A quaint garden tucked by the parking lot, the Mediterranean Garden is not to be missed: growing lush, exotic plants from around the globe, it's a testament to our temperate climate.

High Tea

Four hours allows you enough time to enjoy High Tea, a Butchart tradition dating back to the early 1900's. Feel right at home in the former Butchart Residence as you savour a combination of savoury sandwiches and sweet treats as well as sip from a selection of loose leaf teas. The menu is crafted with care by our talented culinary team. Reservations are highly recommended in the Dining Room Restaurant. See hours, menu and more by clicking here.