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Best Drip Irrigation System


Keeping up with watering your garden can be a challenge. Vacations, busy schedules, and changing weather conditions can all leave flowers, veggies, and shrubs thirsty. But install one of the best drip irrigation systems, which are sold in kits containing all you need, and you'll solve this common problem. Drip irrigation is a system of hoses, nozzles, sprinklers, and tubes that deliver the proper amount of water to each plant, which helps you avoid both under- and overwatering. The best drip irrigation systems, when set to a timer, water automatically, and they're easy to install and maintain. You'll even find drip irrigation systems geared toward different types of gardens. So keep reading to learn how these worry-free watering systems work and see our recommendations for some of the top-rated systems:

  1. BEST OVERALL: king do way Drip Irrigation Garden Watering System
  2. BEST VALUE: PATHONOR Drip Irrigation Kit
  3. HONORABLE MENTION: Orbit Micro Bubbler Drip Irrigation Watering Kit

Best Drip Irrigation System


Types of Nozzles in Drip Irrigation Systems

Drip irrigation systems require several different emitter nozzles. Depending on your garden's design and needs, some of these nozzles will be better suited than others. Before you attempt to plan out your irrigation system, familiarize yourself with the following types of emitter nozzles, each with strengths and weaknesses worth considering.

Micro-spray Sprinklers

Micro-spray sprinklers are helpful devices that can make the most of a low-pressure drip irrigation system. They install alongside taller plants or are used to hit a few plants with greater water needs while leaving less-needy plants alone. They're designed with improved spray-range over other emitter-types with the same pressure. Construct micro-spray sprinklers from four pieces as follows:

  • Run a length of 1/4-inch tubing to the sprinkler's desired location.
  • Attach tubing to a base with a stake driven into the ground.
  • Use a piece of stiff tubing to create a riser and attach it to the base.
  • Screw a micro-spray nozzle onto the end of the riser.

The riser allows the head to stand above taller plants and makes directing the spray easier. Micro-spray sprinkler heads often have built-in adjustable valves to control the spray.

Point-source Emitters

Often favored by landscape gardeners and great for plants that don't do well with water on their leaves (like tomatoes and eggplants), point-source emitters are non-adjustable, preset nozzles that distribute a set amount of water to a plant per hour. They're excellent for use with "satellite" plants in planters and hanging baskets, as well as sensitive vegetables. Point-source emitters can be installed via a few different methods:

  • Plugged directly into the main hose.
  • Installed under the plant with a length of tubing connecting to the main hose.
  • Plugged into the main hose with a length of tubing running to the plant.

Whichever way you install emitters, they're usually preset at ½, 1, or 2 GPH (gallons per hour). You need to use a manufacturer's chart to determine the correct nozzle for your particular plants. Too much water could drown plants that prefer to be a little dry, while too little water will stunt a plant's potential.

In-line Drip Emitters

For those with a more laid-back approach to garden irrigation, in-line drip emitters are a fast and easy way to distribute H2O. These hoses are smaller in diameter than the main hose but may come in various lengths. Emitters are built into tubing throughout its length, allowing gardeners to weave the hose in between plants and provide water without putting a bunch of emitters in the main hose. This is a low-maintenance and leak-reducing irrigation method.

In-line drip emitter hose watering rates differ from point-source models, as they aren't determined by GPH ratings. Generally speaking, in-line hoses come in 1/4-inch and 1/2-inch diameters, with spacing set between 6 and 12 inches. Check the manufacturer's information to determine what you need for your particular gardening needs.

Basin Bubblers

A potentially useful addition to your drip irrigation system, basin bubblers are small, low-pressure sprinkler-style nozzles staked into the ground and connected to the drip system's main hose. They spray water in a 360-degree pattern, hitting all the plants around them. They're extremely helpful in a cluster of flowers and plants as they reduce the need for individual nozzles.

These bubblers hook to the main hose with a small length of tubing. They're simple to install and reposition, and pressure adjustments are easy to make at any time. The bubblers' heads screw in or out to throttle the water flow.

What to Consider When Buying a Drip Irrigation System

Now that you're familiar with the different types of systems and emitters, you can focus on creating your garden's ideal system. The size and type of garden, along with the type of soil and other factors, are worth noting and planning for. Here are some factors to keep in mind when buying a drip irrigation system.

Garden Size

The size of your garden will determine your system's setup and the kit that you need. For smaller gardens, a single kit is often enough to install an effective drip irrigation system. Larger gardens may require additional lengths of tubing and emitters. You may even find that you're better off with two separate systems that run at different times to different locations around your property.

Plant Types

Different plant species require different amounts of water. Depending on what you're growing, you might have to get creative with a system of in-line and point-source emitters. One of the great values of a drip irrigation system is how flexible they are. If designed correctly, a single system can water a wide variety of plants.

Soil Type

There are six different types of soil—clay, sandy, silty, peaty, chalky, and loamy—all with varying nutrient contents and drainage characteristics. It's important to understand the type of soil you have so you can choose the best drip irrigation system for your needs. Generally speaking, garden soil is a nice mixture of these soil types and tends to offer a good blend of nutrients and water-holding capabilities. If you're watering raised or flower beds filled with garden soil, you shouldn't have much issue making a drip irrigation system work for you.

Flow Rate

Once you've determined the plants and soil you have, you can figure out the plants' water needs and choose the correct emitters.

Even plants with low water needs can suffer in fast-draining, fast-drying soils. In this case, you'll need to increase the size of point-source emitters or use in-line tubing with closer emitter spacing. Consider a 1 GPH emitter or 9-inch spacing for these scenarios. You might even consider amending the soil with fertilizer or peat moss to increase nutrients and slow the drainage.

Plants with high water needs in poorly drained soils can also suffer if overwatered. If this is the situation in your garden, you may be better off purchasing half-gallon emitters or 12-inch spaced in-line tubing to help keep your plants from drowning. You might want to work some sand into the soil as well to increase drainage.

Pressure Compensation

The amount of pressure that flows through a drip irrigation system can fluctuate, depending on hose length and garden bed elevation, among other factors. This can cause emitters to flow differently than designed, with more or less water flow depending on pressure.

To combat this, the best drip irrigation system emitters are pressure compensating by design. They'll emit the same amount of water regardless of the pressure at their inlet (where they attach to the main hose). They provide consistent watering conditions and ensure that all plants along the system stay watered.


You might not consider a filter important for your drip system—until you get a clog in your 1/4-inch tubing. Water systems often contain sediment, dirt, or even scaling from metal pipes, all of which can result in obstructions that limit water flow.

An in-line screen filter protects your system from these pressure-blocking particles. They install at the hose faucet and catch obstructions before they can make it into the system. If you notice water flow starting to reduce throughout your system, it's a safe bet that you need to remove the screen and clean it out.

Self-Flushing Feature

Dirt, small insects, and other obstructions can make their way into a drip irrigation system through the emitters—and in-line screen filters can't prevent these intruders. Some systems, however, come with automatic flush valves that help reduce the possibility of a clog. These valves install at the end of the system and will automatically open when the pressure in the system drops (like when the water shuts off). Residual water drains out of the system through these open valves, clearing some of the sediment that has collected.

Built-in Check Valves

The water to your home could be compromised if the water pressure suddenly drops when your drip system is running. In such a case, the hose faucet can back-feed water from the drip system into the house, resulting in a contaminated water system that isn't safe to drink or use for bathing.

To reduce this risk, install a check valve in your system. These valves allow water to flow in one direction and shut off automatically when any backpressure occurs, or the pressure in the system behind it drops. If your drip irrigation system doesn't come with a check valve, it's important to purchase one and install it at the hose faucet.

Automatic Timers

Not all systems come with automatic timers, but most systems will benefit from one. These programmable valves turn on at a set time and run for a specific interval. You can choose the exact amount of water your system gets without activating the system manually. You'll have remarkably consistent results in your garden, and you'll be able to regulate your water usage perfectly. Plus, you needn't remember to turn your system on or off.

Our Top Picks

These top picks for best drip irrigation systems factor in all the considerations mentioned above.



BEST OVERALL: king do way Drip Irrigation Garden Watering System

This excellent kit features 20 misting nozzles, 10 adjustable drippers, and 10 sprinkler emitters. It also includes all the tubing and fittings you'll need to branch off and connect multiple plants. The only thing you'll need that this kit doesn't include is a timer. Purchase one separately to activate your DIY garden watering system at a particular time of day and run for a preset amount of time.

Best Drip Irrigation System PATHONOR


BEST VALUE: PATHONOR Drip Irrigation Kit

Drip irrigation costs can add up quickly. For homeowners looking for the best drip irrigation system on a budget, the well-priced PATHONOR kit features 50 feet of tubing (enough to cover a small garden), five nozzles, several three-way connectors, and stakes for holding the nozzles in place. It also has both universal and threaded hose connectors, making the kit flexible enough for various applications. The kit's faucet connector, while threaded, isn't high quality, however—and homeowners with high water pressure may find it pops off of the faucet. This could cause your garden to flood while the valve is open.

Best Drip Irrigation System Orbit Micro


HONORABLE MENTION: Orbit Micro Bubbler Drip Irrigation Watering Kit

Watering containers can be tricky, but Orbit has figured out how to get the job done effectively with its Micro Bubbler Drip Irrigation Water Kit. It includes eight bubblers and all the necessary hoses and fittings to hook them up in pots and containers. The hose can hide behind a pot or run through it from the bottom. Either way will feed a bubbler to water an entire pot. The kit will cover 250 square feet, but it only has eight bubblers. For this reason, large, multiple container gardens may require more kits. Perhaps the best way to use this Orbit system is as an expansion kit for an already-installed system.

The Advantages of Owning a Drip Irrigation System

From easy installation to automatic watering to low maintenance, drip irrigation systems will help create a better garden space for your home.

Drip irrigation systems are easy to install because they require little to no digging. The main distribution hoses come in colors that match your mulch, and they tack into place with landscaping staples. The emitters install with barbed fittings that push into the distribution hose by hand. They can then be installed anywhere in the garden by inserting a stake into the ground.

Automatic watering is undoubtedly the biggest advantage of drip irrigation. When tied into an automatic timer, you can rest assured that your garden is getting water every day, whether you're home or not. Also, by pairing the right emitter to the plants, you'll know exactly how much water each is getting per hour.

Drip irrigation systems are low-maintenance. Simply flush the system any time you notice reduced flow and you'll be back in business in no time. Even repairs are simple. If a hose breaks, simply cut either side of it and install a hose connector. Even homeowners with very little DIY experience can handle maintaining a drip irrigation system.

FAQs About Your New Drip Irrigation System

Because drip irrigation systems and their various parts may be unfamiliar to many people, here are some answers to the two most common questions folks often have about them.

Q. How do you install a drip irrigation system?

Irrigation systems are typically sold in kits with all the fittings needed to tie into your home's hose faucet. Then it's merely a matter of choosing how to run the main hoses and where you'd like your emitters to be. The emitters install along the main hose by poking their plastic barbed fittings wherever you choose, ideally near the plants you'd like watered.

Q. How do you lay out a drip irrigation system?

The simplest method for laying out a drip irrigation system is to use in-line emitter hoses. These hoses can snake around a garden bed between plants and flowers. Another approach, somewhat more complex, is to create zones (i.e., a stand of several plants in one area) and run branches of emitters to them, off the main distribution hose.

What Size Garden Hose For Gravity Feed Watering


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